I explored Philippe Rahm's groundbreaking project, which applied advanced climatic technology to control outdoor environments, extending indoor climate management outdoors as a solution to climate change's rising temperatures.
Civic / Landscape / Environment
Featured ESALA Degree Project
Critical-Environmental Study
Rahm used computational fluid dynamics to identify low-heat, humidity, and pollution areas, enhancing these with climatic devices. This created "Climatic Pathways", offering varied climatic experiences. Rahm's innovative approach aimed to redefine architecture through weather processes, creating a vibrant mix of climatic conditions and experiences through continuous climate modulation.
Depolluting/Cleaning devices
Ozone Eclipse devices reduce pollution by absorbing harmful gases such as aerosols, nitrogen oxides and ozone. Pre-industrial draught devices filter out PM10 and PM2.5 particles in the air. Cleaning devices then blow out clean air.
Dehumidity/Dry Devices
Humidity levels are reduced by Dry Cloud devices which intake hu- mid air, extract water vapour via silicate bags and release dry air back into the environment.
Anticyclone/Cooling devices
Cool down air through heat exchange with the city’s water and underground via geothermal ducts where it is cooler. The canopy on top acts as a shading utensil and has insulated skin to prevent heat radiation.